Source code for tfplot.ops

''' Main plot operations. '''

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import six
import re
import types

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from . import figure
from . import util
from .util import merge_kwargs, decode_bytes_if_necessary

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

[docs]def plot(plot_func, in_tensors, name='Plot', **kwargs): ''' Create a TensorFlow op which draws plot in an image. The resulting image is in a 3-D uint8 tensor. Given a python function ``plot_func``, which takes numpy arrays as its inputs (the evaluations of ``in_tensors``) and returns a matplotlib `Figure` object as its outputs, wrap this function as a TensorFlow op. The returning figure will be rendered as a RGB-A image upon execution. Args: plot_func: a python function or callable The function which accepts numpy `ndarray` objects as an argument that match the corresponding `tf.Tensor` objects in ``in_tensors``. It should return a new instance of ``matplotlib.figure.Figure``, which contains the resulting plot image. in_tensors: A list of `tf.Tensor` objects. name: A name for the operation (optional). kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to ``plot_func`` (optional). Returns: A single `uint8` `Tensor` of shape ``(?, ?, 4)``, containing the plot image that ``plot_func`` computes. ''' if not hasattr(plot_func, '__call__'): raise TypeError("plot_func should be callable") if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("name should be str or unicode, " + "given {}".format(type(name))) if not isinstance(in_tensors, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(in_tensors, (tf.Tensor, np.ndarray, np.number)): in_tensors = [in_tensors] else: raise TypeError("in_tensors should be a list of Tensors, " + "given {}".format(type(in_tensors))) in_tensors = [tf.convert_to_tensor(t) for t in in_tensors] def _render_image(*args): # `args` is (a tuple of) python values # for tf.string tensors, decode into unicode if necessary. args = tuple( (decode_bytes_if_necessary(arg) if t.dtype == tf.string else arg) \ for (arg, t) in zip(args, in_tensors) ) fig = plot_func(*args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(fig, Figure): raise TypeError("The returned value should be a " + "matplotlib.figure.Figure object, " + "but given {}".format(type(fig))) # render fig into numpy array. image = figure.to_array(fig) return image im = tf.py_func(_render_image, in_tensors, Tout=tf.uint8, name=name) im.set_shape([None, None, 4]) return im
[docs]def plot_many(plot_func, in_tensors, name='PlotMany', max_outputs=None, **kwargs): ''' A batch version of ``plot``. Create a TensorFlow op which draws a plot for each image. The resulting images are given in a 4-D `uint8` Tensor of shape ``[batch_size, height, width, 4]``. Args: plot_func: A python function or callable, which accepts numpy `ndarray` objects as an argument that match the corresponding `tf.Tensor` objects in ``in_tensors``. It should return a new instance of ``matplotlib.figure.Figure``, which contains the resulting plot image. The shape (height, width) of generated figure for each plot should be same. in_tensors: A list of `tf.Tensor` objects. name: A name for the operation (optional). max_outputs: Max number of batch elements to generate plots for (optional). kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `plot_func` (optional). Returns: A single `uint8` `Tensor` of shape ``(B, ?, ?, 4)``, containing the B plot images, each of which is computed by ``plot_func``, where B equals ``batch_size``, the number of batch elements in the each tensor from ``in_tensors``, or ``max_outputs`` (whichever is smaller). ''' # unstack all the tensors in in_tensors args = [] batch_size = None with tf.name_scope(name): for in_tensor in in_tensors: in_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(in_tensor) arg_unpacked = tf.unstack(in_tensor, + '_unstack') if batch_size is not None and batch_size != len(arg_unpacked): raise ValueError("All tensors in in_tensors should have " + "the same batch size : %d != %d for %s" % ( batch_size, len(arg_unpacked), in_tensor )) batch_size = len(arg_unpacked) args.append(arg_unpacked) # generate plots for each batch element ims = [] for k, arg in enumerate(zip(*args)): if max_outputs is not None and k >= max_outputs: break im = plot(plot_func, arg, name=('Plot_%d' % k), **kwargs) ims.append(im) # combine the generated plots and use them as image summary im_packed = tf.stack(ims, name='PlotImages') return im_packed
__all__ = ( 'plot', 'plot_many', )