Source code for tfplot.wrapper

''' Main plot operations. '''

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import functools
import re

from . import figure
from . import util
from .ops import plot, plot_many
from .util import merge_kwargs

from biwrap import biwrap

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

# a dummy marker object to avoid pylint issues on decorators.
REQUIRED = object()

[docs]@biwrap def wrap(plot_func=REQUIRED, _sentinel=None, batch=False, name=None, **kwargs): ''' Wrap a plot function as a TensorFlow operation. It will return a python function that creates a TensorFlow plot operation applying the arguments as input. It can be also used as a decorator. For example: >>> @tfplot.wrap >>> def plot_imshow(img): >>> fig, ax = tfplot.subplots() >>> ax.imshow(img) >>> return fig >>> >>> plot_imshow(an_image_tensor) Tensor("plot_imshow:0", shape=(?, ?, 4), dtype=uint8) Or, if ``plot_func`` is a python function that takes numpy arrays as input and draw a plot by returning a matplotlib Figure, we can wrap this function as a `Tensor` factory, such as: >>> tf_plot = tfplot.wrap(plot_func, name="MyPlot", batch=True) >>> # x, y = get_batch_inputs(batch_size=4, ...) >>> plot_x = tf_plot(x) Tensor("MyPlot:0", shape=(4, ?, ?, 4), dtype=uint8) >>> plot_y = tf_plot(y) Tensor("MyPlot_1:0", shape=(4, ?, ?, 4), dtype=uint8) Args: plot_func: A python function or callable to wrap. See the documentation of :func:`tfplot.plot()` for details. batch: If True, all the tensors passed as argument will be assumed to be batched. Default value is False. name: A default name for the operation (optional). If not given, the name of ``plot_func`` will be used. kwargs: An optional kwargs that will be passed by default to ``plot_func`` when executed inside a TensorFlow graph. Returns: A python function that will create a TensorFlow plot operation, passing the provided arguments. ''' if plot_func == REQUIRED: raise TypeError("Required argument 'plot_func' (pos 1) not found") if not hasattr(plot_func, '__call__'): raise TypeError("plot_func should be callable") if _sentinel is not None: raise RuntimeError("Invalid call: it can have only one positional argument, " + "please pass named arguments for batch, name, etc.") if name is None: name = _clean_name(plot_func.__name__) @functools.wraps(plot_func) def _wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs_call): _plot = plot_many if batch else plot _name = kwargs_call.pop('name', name) return _plot(plot_func, list(args), name=_name, **merge_kwargs(kwargs, kwargs_call)) _wrapped_fn.__name__ = 'wrap[%s]' % plot_func.__name__ if hasattr(plot_func, '__qualname__'): _wrapped_fn.__qualname__ = 'wrap[%s.%s]' % (plot_func.__module__, plot_func.__qualname__) return _wrapped_fn
[docs]def wrap_axesplot(axesplot_func, _sentinel=None, batch=False, name=None, figsize=None, tight_layout=False, **kwargs): ''' DEPRECATED: Use ``tfplot.autowrap()`` instead. Will be removed in the next version. Wrap an axesplot function as a TensorFlow operation. It will return a python function that creates a TensorFlow plot operation applying the arguments as input. An axesplot function ``axesplot_func`` can be either: - an unbounded method of matplotlib `Axes` (or `AxesSubplot`) class, such as ``Axes.scatter()`` and ``Axes.text()``, etc, or - a simple python function that takes the named argument ``ax``, of type `Axes` or `AxesSubplot`, on which the plot will be drawn. Some good examples of this family includes ``seaborn.heatmap(ax=...)``. The resulting function can be used as a Tensor factory. When the created tensorflow plot op is being executed, a new matplotlib figure which consists of a single `AxesSubplot` will be created, and the axes plot will be used as an argument for ``axesplot_func``. For example, >>> import seaborn.apionly as sns >>> tf_heatmap = tfplot.wrap_axesplot(sns.heatmap, name="HeatmapPlot", figsize=(4, 4), cmap='jet') >>> plot_op = tf_heatmap(attention_map, cmap) Tensor(HeatmapPlot:0", shape=(?, ?, 4), dtype=uint8) Args: axesplot_func: An unbounded method of matplotlib `Axes` or `AxesSubplot`, or a python function or callable which has the `ax` parameter for specifying the axis to draw on. batch: If True, all the tensors passed as argument will be assumed to be batched. Default value is False. name: A default name for the operation (optional). If not given, the name of ``axesplot_func`` will be used. figsize: The figure size for the figure to be created. tight_layout: If True, the resulting figure will have no margins for axis. Equivalent to calling ``fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1)``. kwargs: An optional kwargs that will be passed by default to ``axesplot_func``. Returns: A python function that will create a TensorFlow plot operation, passing the provied arguments and a new instance of `AxesSubplot` into ``axesplot_func``. ''' if not hasattr(axesplot_func, '__call__'): raise TypeError("axesplot_func should be callable") if _sentinel is not None: raise RuntimeError("Invalid call: it can have only one unnamed argument, " + "please pass named arguments for batch, name, etc.") def _create_subplots(): if figsize is not None: fig, ax = figure.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: fig, ax = figure.subplots() if tight_layout: fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1) return fig, ax # (1) instance method of Axes -- def _fig_axesplot_method(*args, **kwargs_call): fig, ax = _create_subplots() axesplot_func.__get__(ax)(*args, **merge_kwargs(kwargs, kwargs_call)) return fig # (2) xyz(ax=...) style def _fig_axesplot_fn(*args, **kwargs_call): fig, ax = _create_subplots() axesplot_func(*args, ax=ax, **merge_kwargs(kwargs, kwargs_call)) return fig method_class = util.get_class_defining_method(axesplot_func) if method_class is not None and issubclass(method_class, Axes): # (1) if hasattr(axesplot_func, '__self__') and axesplot_func.__self__: raise ValueError("axesplot_func should be a unbound method of " + "Axes or AxesSubplot, but given a bound method " + str(axesplot_func)) fig_axesplot_func = _fig_axesplot_method else: # (2) xyz(ax=...) if 'ax' not in util.getargspec_allargs(axesplot_func): raise TypeError("axesplot_func must take 'ax' parameter to specify Axes") fig_axesplot_func = _fig_axesplot_fn if name is None: name = _clean_name(axesplot_func.__name__) @functools.wraps(axesplot_func) def _wrapped_factory_fn(*args, **kwargs_call): _plot = plot_many if batch else plot _name = kwargs_call.pop('name', name) return _plot(fig_axesplot_func, list(args), name=_name, **kwargs_call) _wrapped_factory_fn.__name__ = 'wrapped_axesplot_fn[%s]' % axesplot_func return _wrapped_factory_fn
[docs]@biwrap def autowrap(plot_func=REQUIRED, _sentinel=None, batch=False, name=None, figsize=None, tight_layout=False, **kwargs_default): """ Wrap a function as a TensorFlow operation similar to :func:`tfplot.wrap()` (as a decorator or with normal function call), but provides with additional features such as auto-creating matplotlib figures. - (``fig``, ``ax``) matplotlib objects are automatically created and injected given that `plot_func` has a keyword argument named ``fig`` and/or ```ax``. In such cases, we do not need to manually call :func:`tfplot.subplots()` to create matplotlib figure/axes objects. If a manual creation of ``fig, ax`` is forced, please consider using :func:`tfplot.wrap()` instead. - It can automatically handle return values of the provided `plot_func` function. If it returns nothing (None) but ``fig`` was automatically injected then the resulting figure will be drawn, or returns ``Axes`` then the associated ``Figure`` will be used. Example: >>> @tfplot.autowrap(figsize=(3, 3)) >>> def plot_imshow(img, *, fig, ax): >>> ax.imshow(img) >>> >>> plot_imshow(an_image_tensor) Tensor("plot_imshow:0", shape=(?, ?, 4), dtype=uint8) Args: plot_func: A python function or callable to wrap. See the documentation of :func:`tfplot.plot()` for details. Additionally, if this function has a parameter named ``fig`` and/or ``ax``, new instances of ``Figure`` and/or ``AxesSubplot`` will be created and passed. batch: If True, all the tensors passed as argument will be assumed to be batched. Default value is False. name: A default name for the operation (optional). If not given, the name of ``plot_func`` will be used. figsize: The figure size for the figure to be created. tight_layout: If True, the resulting figure will have no margins for axis. Equivalent to calling ``fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1)``. kwargs_default: An optimal kwargs that will be passed by default to ``plot_func`` when executed inside a TensorFlow graph. """ if plot_func == REQUIRED: raise TypeError("Required argument 'plot_func' (pos 1) not found") # check if func has `fig` or `ax` parameter fig_ax_mode = tuple( arg_name for arg_name in ('ax', 'fig') \ if arg_name in util.getargspec_allargs(plot_func) ) # check if func is an instance method of Axes, e.g. ax.scatter() method_class = util.get_class_defining_method(plot_func) is_axesplot_bind = False if method_class is not None and issubclass(method_class, Axes): if hasattr(plot_func, '__self__') and plot_func.__self__: raise ValueError("plot_func should be a unbound method of " + "Axes or AxesSubplot, but given a bound method " + str(plot_func)) is_axesplot_bind = True def _create_subplots(_kwargs): # recognize overriding parameters for creating subplots, e.g. figsize _figsize = _kwargs.pop('figsize', figsize) fig, ax = figure.subplots(figsize=_figsize) return fig, ax # Decorates `plot_func` with additional aspects # (e.g. auto-injection, return value handling) @functools.wraps(plot_func) def _wrapped_plot_fn(*args, **kwargs_call): # (1) auto-inject fig, ax if fig_ax_mode or is_axesplot_bind: # auto-create rather than manually fig, ax = _create_subplots(kwargs_call) fig_ax_kwargs = dict( ([('fig', fig)] if 'fig' in fig_ax_mode else []) + \ ([('ax', ax)] if 'ax' in fig_ax_mode else []) ) # (2) body if is_axesplot_bind: # e.g. Axesplot.scatter -> bind 'ax' as self ret = plot_func.__get__(ax)(*args, **kwargs_call) else: ret = plot_func(*args, **merge_kwargs(kwargs_call, fig_ax_kwargs)) # TODO conflict?? # (3) return value handling if ret is None and fig_ax_mode: # even if the function doesn't return anything, # but we know that `fig` is what we just need to draw. ret = fig elif is_axesplot_bind: # for Axesplot methods, ignore the return value # and use the fig instance created before as target figure ret = fig elif isinstance(ret, Axes): ret = fig = ret.figure elif isinstance(ret, Figure): fig = ret if tight_layout: fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1) return ret # return the wrapper (a factory of Tensor) _wrapped_fn = wrap(_wrapped_plot_fn, batch=batch, name=name, **kwargs_default) _wrapped_fn.__name__ = 'autowrap[%s]' % plot_func.__name__ if hasattr(plot_func, '__qualname__'): _wrapped_fn.__qualname__ = 'autowrap[%s.%s]' % (plot_func.__module__, plot_func.__qualname__) # expose the unwrapped python function as well _wrapped_fn.__unwrapped__ = plot_func return _wrapped_fn
def _clean_name(s): """ Convert a string to a valid variable, function, or scope name. """ return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '', s) __all__ = ( 'wrap', 'wrap_axesplot', 'autowrap', )